Today is a holiday for Cannabis smokers around the world which can be a tough day for an ex "pot-head" or any one in recovery. I had smoked weed every day for over ten years and I'm now over 6 months clean from it, but that isn't by choice. Apparently if you have an issue with alcohol or drugs, its necessary to cut every form of drug out of your life. I've been in recovery for such a lengthy time that this doesn't bother me any more.
Being Monday, I was able to get you to rain more regular protein again. I turned it to online meetings, where I could share my thoughts and listen to other people's experiences. I have country realize that there are some things I will never understand. And although I have learned to those many times, somehow I still need a reminder. Not only have I communicated with others at the meetings, but some friends and acquaintances from back home have reached out to me and vice versa, which has been a huge plus.
My physical health is a bit better than it has been the last couple days although I still have a stabbing feeling in my chest frequently 2 day. I know this to be stress. I am grateful to have a significant other by my side through times when I need it most. Being quarantined sucks, but at least I get to see him tomorrow and I have that to look forward to as if I'm a kid on Christmas! Some people are stuck completely alone right now and I know it's a terrible feeling.
Things will always get better.