I'm as strong as poison; injected into the landscapes of a species identified as a living soul, with the expectation to walk on.
I'm as strong as a virus; my attacker reeled in and casted back out as a contagion, strengthening his will to come in first place in a marathon of physical power prize.
I'm as strong as light; on the head of the car,
Flashing family before my eyes, head on with my head down
Once again too late to react in the blink of an eye if I could.
I'm as strong as the ground;
Weightless beneath my feet, regardless the gardens suffocating by earth season by season, storm by storm,
Nevertheless growing back anyway.
I'm as strong as children's laughter; innocent, aging slowly enough to take her sweet time pulling apart the petaled weed,
One by one, he loves me not,
And their deep bellied laughter thundering the streets we occupy.
I'm as strong as an addiction; coming in through the back door of the shelter I hide, with out knocking first,
In the dead of Winter's below zero night.
I'm as strong as chemicals; imbalancing the brain of my elder, in denial from ingesting enough alcohol to repeat my worth on auto-pilot,
Enough times to believe the truth behind it, proving I'm no different than he.
I'm as strong as the barrel he possessed; pressed like ice against my skull, instilled with fear, just before the speed of light passes.
I'm as strong as steel; screwing the coffin shut wrapped around my lovers' young shell,
Promisingly not so lucky as I.
I'm as strong as the wind; travelling through chimes, leisurely picking up chatter, impressively mimicking my voice,
Trapping away what we need to hear until further notice,
Until the gust quiets down and disappears with our words in tow,
As do I.