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"Pride & Seek"

Writer: Jessica D'ErcoleJessica D'Ercole

In September, I was in a hospital for about a month, in which I started to feel alive for the first time, ever. I began to reflect on the past four years of my life, only to realize I wasn't living, but surviving. My health took a toll on me and I felt no purpose to live. Simply put, I wrote this poem about pride, solely for poetry night at the hospital. I felt it was a perfect topic, as pride was something I began to try to snatch back. I hope you enjoy!

"Pride & Seek"

I once had a pet who I named "Pride"

And walked her every day

Down the strip, in the dark, is where she ran away

Her leash dragged behind, her tag dropped, she just wanted to play

We'd stroll through long alleys and where no street lights shined,

But Pride hated the sirens here, and to that, I was blind

She stayed closeby when we'd start our trip,

But when we'd see my so called "friend",

Her collar began to slip

Pride was meant to protect me, but she'd ultimately reject me

Because I said we would run after my pit-stop,

But soon my legs began to drag, and in my hands, her leash would flop

I never thought she'd leave due to what I had to cop.

Months flew by before I found her at a zoo,

And when I tried to take Pride back,

She said "I'm safer here than with you".

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